Paraguayan soccer team is getting ready for its first game of this World Cup on
Monday against Italy. They are staying in the beautiful city of
Pietermaritzburg in the eastern province of KwaZulu-Natal.

It happens that our friends, colleagues, and former students, SIM missionaries
Greg and Vonni Cameron, have just returned to South Africa for furlough and are living in the city of Pietermaritzburg. They went to see the Paraguay team practice at the Harry Gwala stadium. The Camerons were sighted by reporters sitting in the stands with their Paraguayan jerseys on, drinking
tereré and speaking in Guarani. They were asked down to the field and interviewed.
Since Greg and Vonnie speak Guarani but very little Spanish, they responded to Spanish questions in Guarani! They told the reporters they had studied the heart language of Paraguay in order to read the Bible in Guarani to people who speak Guarani but don't read it, and to serve the community. The interview was on national television in Paraguay and the photo of the boys turned up in the
June 7th edition of the daily
ABC Color.